Catastrophe of the Day: Cursed

Today's Catastrophe.  Catastrophes are obligatory character choices that involve rolling on tables like the one below.  I'm looking for critiques or brilliance that's evaded me before I put them onto their final dice tables, arranging odds of about the same chance for good and ill on the different catastrophes.

Here is what you could get if you were


Who Cursed you?
1.       Drank from a cursed well/stationary cursed object.
2.       Came into contact with a cursed artifact/item
3.       Came into contact with a demon
4.       Came into contact with undead
5.       Creature of the wild
6.       Enemy: offended a witch/warlock
7.       Enemy: offended a priest of the Church of the Sun
8.       Enemy:  offended a druid or the Forest Mother
9.       Enemy: offended a priest of another religion
 I haven't set the odds yet.  But the most common will be witch/warlock.

These curses are what characters would start with.  Catastrophe results should also be quirky and unique, to provide the players with un-envisioned and hopefully darkly comic problems. They are not intended to be completely crippling, but difficulties that can be worked around or accommodated.  They can be alleviated through a pilgrimage or other means but not by a simple Remove Curse spell.

Your Curse:
1.     Any other player may speak in your voice, though they may only say things as if you were speaking self-referentially. 
2.     You can’t get on a horse, or travel on a cart pulled by one.
3.     Unstable curse:  you are at disadvantage for 1 ability check (pick one).  Every long rest there is a 1 in 3 chance that one of your opponents will also be cursed, you choose
4.     Natural animals are disturbed by you, and all attempts to control animals within 30’ of you are at disadvantage.
5.     Non-magical fires go out within 10’ of you.  You also are resistant to natural fires.  Unfortunately, you are also always cold.  On actual cold days, you suffer double penalties for non-magical cold or are at disadvantage to saves vs non-magical cold.
6.     You can’t see the stars or moon, or light from them.  While a moonlit sky may only be dim light for some, it is utter darkness to you.
7.     Every door closes and locks behind you if it is able.
8.     Your lovers have disadvantage on all saves.
9.     Clothes always change color to bright orange.
10.  All your coins turn into copper.  This condition will end if you complete a pilgrimage, gaining you XXX Exp.  You gain starting equipment as normal, but your starting gold is 0.
11.  You can’t benefit from surprise and always go last in initiative. This condition will end if you complete a pilgrimage, gaining you XXX Exp.
12.  People won’t remember your face unless they have been with you the entire time between two long rests.  This effects any enemies or allies you might have.
13.  People can’t remember your name unless they have been with you the entire time between two long rests.  This effects any enemies or allies you might have.
14.  There is a 10% daily cumulative chance that the walls of any room in which the character sleeps will begin to drip blood.  This will last for 1d4-1 days after the character leaves. 

Peanut gallery comments?  How would you feel with a beginning character with one of these?


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